Your initial 1 hr. appointment with Dr. Helgerman includes:

  • A detailed health consultation
  • Examination
  • Initial compass adjustment
  • Initial visit priced at $175.00

The main objective of this appointment is to identify specific, short-term goals for your body and to determine how your body is functioning together as a whole.  A follow up visit is scheduled within a week to assess how your body responded to your first compass adjustment. 

From there, Dr. Helgerman will recommend a care plan and any additional referrals he feels are necessary to achieve your short-term health goals.

Cancellation Policy

If you must cancel an appointment, we ask that you contact us at least 24 hours in advance to make room for others.  We reserve the right to charge you for any missed appointments.  

Insurance Policy

Please Note: We do not bill insurance directly, but can provide itemized receipts for you to submit to your insurance company if they reimburse out of network providers.